Tag: interview

Xzibit Interview: Xzibit Talks to DubCNN on Napalm, Family, Live Shows, Dr. Dre and Internet Memes

Xzibit sat down with DubCNN.com to talk about “Napalm“, the creative process behind it, picking the features as well as some of his personal highlights, such as the Dr. Dre-produced and Likwit Crew-assisted “Louis XIII” or the heartfelt “1983“. We also talk about his being a veteran now, nostalgia, and the energy he puts behind his live show. X also gives us some insight on balancing family life vs his music career, and how he feels about the immensely popular “Yo Dawg…” meme that was created about him on the internet.

Here is a section of the interview:

Dubcnn: Your live show has always been an important part of your career. You’ve toured constantly, overseas and back and I’ve seen you bring a lot of artists on tour with you over the years, from Defari to Krondon and now you’ve been riding with Demrick (Young De) for the past few years. What made you keep him as a part of your live show?

X: I mean I like rocking with people that are likeminded and as dedicated as I am. People that really want to come in. Like you said, the live show is really important and I made it hard for people with #1 records that come on after me, you know? I made it difficult. So you level the playing field when you get out on the stage.

If you can do a live show, you can kick anybody’s ass and that’s where we get down. We don’t play man, we get in and we know that the crowd wants to come see a Hip-Hop show and that’s what we do! I’m never to cool or too swaged out to fucking do a great show. *laughs* That’s what it’s about.

Dubcnn: You’ve got a lot of great collaborations on this album, and I noticed that you have a couple of people on there twice, like Game, B-Real or Wiz Khalifa. What was the process behind putting those records together?

X: It was created organically. The music spoke for the features. Once I started the records, I would bring the people that I felt like they need to be on the record, that sounded like they need to be on the record. I kept the features really creative, it’s not just because they’re on the song – they might not be doing no rapping whatsoever. Like WIz sung some shit and then he did a verse on some shit, Game did a hook something and then did a verse on something. It’s different, it’s structured very uniquely and I’m glad that the circle of people that I got on the record sound consistent and sounds like one body of work.

Watch or Read the full interview at DubCNN Exclusive: Xzibit talks Napalm, Family, Live Shows, Dr. Dre and Internet Memes

New Interview: Xzibit talks about his latest world tour, the new album ‘Napalm’ due out in 2012, and his visit to Iraq

Xzibit recently sat down with AllHipHop.com to talk about his latest world tour, his new album 'Napalm' due out in 2012, and his visit to Iraq to visit the troops and film a music video in the middle of a live war zone.

Here is an extract from the interview:

AllHipHop.com: Did you get to perform for any of the troops when you were over there (Iraq)?

Xzibit: We performed on one of the bases, actually the only base that had U.S. troops and Iraqi troops on the same base. So we got to perform in front of Iraqi people and U.S. troops, so it was incredible to be able to unite people like that even though it was a very intense setting. It was by no means a regular Hip-Hop show that you’re used to.

AllHipHop.com: Yeah, I can only imagine

Xzibit: There’s choppers out there, like real ones and people looking at each other, and everybody’s on edge ‘cause it’s a warzone. For the hour or whatever that we rocked for them, we, at least, was able to let them have a reprise from that mindstate and have something to actually relax with for just a moment, so it was good to be out there with them. It was a morale boost, and they were very excited for us to be there.

We got a lot of great footage. We got to ask the troops what their perception of home is, what they think about home, and what the first thing they’re going to do when they get home is, and we got such a great array of answers. It’s a wide range of answers that’s going to shock a lot of people, but also make a lot of people laugh, a lot of people cry. And it’s good to just have that much conscience, to have people come together and put this album out, and put this footage out the way it needs to be put out.

Read the full interview at: http://allhiphop.com/2011/12/02/xzibit-returns-to-hip-hop-with-a-new-attitude-outlook-and-album/

Xzibit’s new album to be renamed from ‘Restless 2’ to ‘Napalm’

In a recent interview Xzibit told that he has changed the name of his much anticipated new album from 'Restless 2' to 'Napalm', which Xzibit says is 75% complete and will be released in early 2012. Xzibit was originally going to call his album 'Restless 2' but said on his twitter: "I ran Restless 2 by Dre and he wasnt feeling it. I been going back and forth about it, went with NAPALM."

The interview can be found below:

Keep an eye on XzibitCentral.com for the latest news on Xzibit.

Also check out Xzibit's twitter profile: http://www.twitter.com/xzibit